Canada’s Retreat Centre for Wellbeing

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Brown Rice with Apricots, Pomegranates & Raspberry Cream A delightful variation to serving ordinary rice...Delicious, kids will love it, and so good for you! Ingredients: ½ cup cooked brown rice per person 3 T nuts and seeds per
Please add a configured Grail Event Detail Module to this Page. Back to Calendar See Packages Blessed From Cell to Spirit 7pm Included with all retreat packages "Those who make a conscious effort to wake up each day
Benefits of Daily Skin Brushing The skin is responsible for eliminating one third of the body’s waste each day... Salt scrubs or dry brushes are excellent ways to wake up the body and prepare your skin to eliminate toxins with ease which is o
BEE-utiful Berry Breakfast Smoothie It's THE Body Bomb for Good Health! This recipes was shared by our good friend Dr. Elson Haas, aka 'America's Detox Doc'. This recipe is not just a delicious filling breakfast alter
Banana Buckwheat Pancakes Ingredients: 1 cup (250 ml) brown rice flower 1 cup (250 ml) buckwheat flower 2 teaspoons (10 ml) baking powder 2 teaspoons (10 ml) baking soda 1 tablespoon (15 ml) cinnamon Dash Himalayan salt 2 cups (500 ml) wat
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Apple & Butternut Squash Soup Enjoy this recipe as it is or combine it with cooked greens or whole grains for a hearty meal. You can also experiment with different spices by replacing the cinnamon sticks with a spice blend.  Curry and addin
Chili & Black Bean Potato Skins   Absolute comfort food for cold weather days! INGREDIENTS: 2 dried ancho chilies 1 C. boiling water 2 T. olive oil 1 small yellow onion, minced 1/4 C. minced fresh cilantro 1 t. ground coriander 2
The Algonquin Story Grail Springs acknowledges Canada’s ‘Truth and Reconciliation Commission’ goals, and in the expression of reconciliation, we open and close all of our special events with ceremony that acknowledges the First Nati
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