A Healing Lakeside Sanctuary for Sacred Wellbeing and Abundant Life

Member of Healing Hotels of the World

Grail Springs has been dedicated to the wellbeing of people, animals and planet since 1993, respecting their inter-dependancy on each other for sustainable health for all. Prescribing to a holistic, non-clinical approach to wellbeing, Grail Springs's mission is to provide experiences which teaches and integrates body, mind and Spirit, bringing balance to all aspects of our lives that make us whole, happy, wise and fulfilled.

Healing Waters

Unique to Canada, Chalice Lake, whose name was inspired by the legend of the Holy Grail, is fed by hundreds of vigorous springs bubbling up from the magnetically-charged rock bed. This continuous stream of of this vital water brings energy and life to all that we do here. Utilized in our cooking, drinking, therapies and bath waters, guests benefit from one of the few resources of pure, vital and alkaline-based waters in the world.

Healing Land

Located on one-hundred acres of forested trails, an awe-inspiring sanctuary that invokes peace, reconnection and renewal. Rich in deposits of magnetite, marble, granite, sodalite and quartz crystal, these gems and minerals  create a potent environment for health and healing. The Grail Springs geomantic project, highlights the special geology of this region, an ancient tradition going back thousands of years. Grail Springs is located five minutes from the quaint town of Bancroft, Mineral Capital of Canada, and boasts a unique mineral and gem museum that one should not miss while visiting.