Summer of Love ~ Classes & Workshops
Daily Yoga, Hikes and 7pm Talks are Included.  Daily Workshops are Extra - pre-register.

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  1. Let It Go! Fire Ceremony ~ Friday Mornings with Laura

    Let It Go! Fire Ceremony ~ Friday Mornings with Laura

    Jun 21st

    Each Friday morning guests gather around the fire to take part in a Grail Springs weekly tradition. We call upon the four elements of Fire, Earth, Water & Air to support us in letting go of that which no longer serves, and to uphold us as we embrace new commitments to our self and our future! 

  2. Yoga & Pranayama ~ with Jason 7pm

    Yoga & Pranayama ~ with Jason 7pm

    Jun 21st-22nd

    Be inspired while learning to balance your mind, emotions and physical wellbeing through posture and Pranayama (life energy), the formal practice of controlling the breath. Jason shares exercises, breathing techniques and sequences during this informative and reflective workshop.

  3. Equine Therapy ~ Horse Greet & Groom - with Alina, Natasha & Shine - 4pm $55pp

    Equine Therapy ~ Horse Greet & Groom - with Alina, Natasha & Shine - 4pm $55pp

    Jun 22nd

    Join horse caregiver Alina in the ring with beauties Natasha and Shine for a hands on grooming experience and feel the personal benefits of cultivating a mutual exchange of energy and respect between horse and human.  Pre-register 24 hrs.

  4. Workshop: Sacred Heart Healing ~ with Laura, $105 pp pre-register

    Workshop: Sacred Heart Healing ~ with Laura, $105 pp pre-register

    Jun 22nd-29th

    Enter this sacred circle with an oath to love and care for yourself fully and completely.  As you are guided to the centre of your heart, bask in the healing energy and be whole.  We invite all aspects of self here to be replenished and depart with a clear commitment to your own loving presence. 

  5. Fill Your Cup Meditation - 7pm with Tanya

    Fill Your Cup Meditation - 7pm with Tanya

    Jun 23rd

    You’ve followed your heart to Grail Springs, taking the time to nurture, reset and restore. Let’s set our intentions and gain clarity on how to maintain our foundation of health and happiness at home. We'll then settle into a relaxing, insightful deep dive 'Fill Your Cup' Body Scan Meditation.

  6. Kundalini Yoga ~ Yoga of Awareness with Alaina McMonigle ~ 8:50am

    Kundalini Yoga ~ Yoga of Awareness with Alaina McMonigle ~ 8:50am

    Jun 23rd

    Join Alaina each Sunday morning for a gentle breathing exercise, and poses designed to activate the Kundalini energy or Shakti at the base of the spine. As we say good morning to the new day, we gently awaken this vital energy, enhancing our awareness of self and our environment.

  7. Heart Opening Meditation ~ 7pm with Ece Savas

    Heart Opening Meditation ~ 7pm with Ece Savas

    Jun 24th

    Gather around and tune in to the resonance of your heart centre, the most essential, magnificent and complex organ of our body. A bridge between the physical and the spiritual self, it vibrates at 639 Hz frequency. Slow down, relax and connect with our hearts love, gratitude and unity resonanance.

  8. Workshop: Love Your Sleep ~ with Sandi, Holistic Lifestyle Coach, 4:50pm $105 pp

    Workshop: Love Your Sleep ~ with Sandi, Holistic Lifestyle Coach, 4:50pm $105 pp

    Jun 24th

    Are you waking fully rested and energized? Sleep expert Sandi Thornton will share how sleep deprivation disrupts the bodies’ ability to heal and function optimally. Take home tips and antidotes on how to optimize your natural circadian rhythm and finally get consistent good night sleeps. 

  9. Workshop: Women's Soul Circle with Sharon Black ~ Mondays 1pm to 2:15pm, $105 pp

    Workshop: Women's Soul Circle with Sharon Black ~ Mondays 1pm to 2:15pm, $105 pp

    Jun 24th

    Come as you are & begin a journey to reconnect to the most important person in your life, YOU. Be
     supported & elevated in this intuitively led sacred group experience. Through reflection, wisdom sharing, soul & embodiment rituals you’ll create a more trust-filled relationship with yourself.  

  10. Engaging Meaningfully with Nature ~ 7pm with Jennifer

    Engaging Meaningfully with Nature ~ 7pm with Jennifer

    Jun 25th

    Join experienced Nature Guide Jennifer Taylor for an inspiring interactive workshop. Learn how to shift your perspective and relationship with nature, reaping the benefits for both body and mind.  We will explore how our connections to nature can both calm our senses and invigorate our souls.