classes & workshop calendar
7pm classes are complimentary. Schedule may be subject to change.

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  1. Kundalini Yoga ~ Yoga of Awareness with Alaina McMonigle ~ 8:50am

    Kundalini Yoga ~ Yoga of Awareness with Alaina McMonigle ~ 8:50am

    Jun 9th

    Join Alaina each Sunday morning for a gentle breathing exercise, and poses designed to activate the Kundalini energy or Shakti at the base of the spine. As we say good morning to the new day, we gently awaken this vital energy, enhancing our awareness of self and our environment.

  2. Transmuting Stress to a Life in Balance ~ with Jason Secord 7pm

    Transmuting Stress to a Life in Balance ~ with Jason Secord 7pm

    Jun 10th

    From stress to relaxation, join us for a weekend of quiet and calm through the art of relaxation and meditation. Utilizing principles of meditation, you'll learn techniques on how to decompress and relax into mind and body, opening the opportunity to release stress in your daily life.

  3. Workshop: Sleep Well ~ with Sandi Thornton, Holistic Lifestyle Coach, 4:50pm $105 pp

    Workshop: Sleep Well ~ with Sandi Thornton, Holistic Lifestyle Coach, 4:50pm $105 pp

    Jun 10th

    Are you waking fully rested and energized? Sleep expert Sandi Thornton will share how sleep deprivation disrupts the bodies’ ability to heal and function optimally. Take home tips and antidotes on how to optimize your natural circadian rhythm and finally get consistent good night sleeps. 

  4. Workshop: Women's Soul Circle with Sharon Black ~ Mondays 1pm to 2:15pm, $105 pp

    Workshop: Women's Soul Circle with Sharon Black ~ Mondays 1pm to 2:15pm, $105 pp

    Jun 10th

    Come as you are & begin a journey to reconnect to the most important person in your life, YOU. Be
     supported & elevated in this intuitively led sacred group experience. Through reflection, wisdom sharing, soul & embodiment rituals you’ll create a more trust-filled relationship with yourself.  

  5. Find Your Mantra, Your Sacred Sound ~ 7pm with Tanya Mahar

    Find Your Mantra, Your Sacred Sound ~ 7pm with Tanya Mahar

    Jun 11th-12th

    Whether we’re drawn to a traditional practice of using sacred sounds such a AUM, or a modern approach to manifesting through focused mantras, this practice is a powerful tool that can soothe the mind and body, improve concentration, open the heart and deepen our connection to the Divine. 

  6. Workshop: Cacao Ceremony with Sandi Thornton, $105 pp 5pm

    Workshop: Cacao Ceremony with Sandi Thornton, $105 pp 5pm

    Jun 11th

    Join Sandi for this special journey tending to the heart of our being. Guided by ceremonial cacao, we take a deeper dive into our senses and into our heart, exploring new places that we are open to see and feel. Nurturing love, harmony, compassion and connection with ourselves and others. 

  7. Workshop: Navigating the Four Bodies of Self ~ with Laura White 1pm $105 pp, pre-register

    Workshop: Navigating the Four Bodies of Self ~ with Laura White 1pm $105 pp, pre-register

    Jun 11th

    Through self-discovery techniques you will learn how to to tap-in to your inner awareness and care for the inner guidance system that can optimize your wellbeing on all levels body-mind-heart-spirit. In regulating our four bodies of self, we can enter a flow-state that can be truly transformational.

  8. Equine Therapy Greet & Groom - with Alina, Natasha & Shine - 4pm $55pp

    Equine Therapy Greet & Groom - with Alina, Natasha & Shine - 4pm $55pp

    Jun 12th

    Join horse caregiver Alina in the ring with beauties Natasha and Shine for a hands on grooming experience and feel the personal benefits of cultivating a mutual exchange of energy and respect between horse and human.  Pre-register 24 hrs.

  9. The Power of Daily Habits ~ 7pm with Ece Savas

    The Power of Daily Habits ~ 7pm with Ece Savas

    Jun 13th

    Do you have a daily practice that supports your spiritual and mental health? We are creatures of habit, living most of our lives following patterns. We rarely question them, and change can be difficult. Ece will share sustainable, powerful Daily Habits that will transform your life on every level. 

  10. Workshop: Sounds That Heal ~ with Tanya Mahar, 11:10am $105 pp pre-register

    Workshop: Sounds That Heal ~ with Tanya Mahar, 11:10am $105 pp pre-register

    Jun 13th

    Tanya, a certified Sound Healing Practitioner, will share the extraordinary ways sound can open us to our deepest states of being, but most importantly offer a direct experience through a variety of healing vibrations. An intimate, shared, and personalized experience limited to 6 persons.