Summer of Love ~ Classes & Soul Care Circle Workshops
Morning yoga, hikes, fire ceremony, 7-8pm medititions included with all packages.  Soul Care Workshops extra - pre-register.

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  1. Kundalini Yoga ~ Yoga of Awareness with Alaina ~ 8:50am

    Kundalini Yoga ~ Yoga of Awareness with Alaina ~ 8:50am

    Sep 29th

    Join Alaina each Sunday morning for a gentle breathing exercise, and poses designed to activate the Kundalini energy or Shakti at the base of the spine. As we say good morning to the new day, we gently awaken this vital energy, enhancing our awareness of self and our environment.

  2. Pathways to Peace ~ with Tanya 7pm

    Pathways to Peace ~ with Tanya 7pm

    Sep 30th-Oct 1st

    In this evening workshop with Tanya Mahar, we will explore meditation techniques that gently work with the sensory system to reveal, restore and renew the tranquility that is available to us in every moment. Take home practices that will help you enjoy peace and calm on demand.

  3. Soul Care Circle: Harmony for the Heart Sound Bath ~ with Tanya, $115 pp

    Soul Care Circle: Harmony for the Heart Sound Bath ~ with Tanya, $115 pp

    Sep 30th

    Experience the soothing, healing vibrations of crystal sound bowls designed to support your journey of connection to the heart. Join Tanya, a certified sound healing practitioner as she works both collectively and individually within this supportive space. Let your love flow!